BRANDED: We must work together to attack emissions, not energy sources

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BRANDED: We must work together to attack emissions, not energy sources By Rep. John Curtis (UT-03) When I started down my journey to be a better environmental steward, I became frustrated with the extremists on both sides.   My friends on the far left are generally unhappy with me because of my insistence that we need fossil fuels for many years, if not forever, in…

BRANDED: Minnesota is the model for gray wolf management

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BRANDED: Minnesota is the model for gray wolf management By Rep. Pete Stauber (MN-08) Western Caucus Members are highlighting the need to modernize the Endangered Species Act (ESA) this week to empower those that know best, including states, private landowners, and job creators, to protect wildlife and live our way of life without the intrusion of faraway bureaucrats. Managing gray…

BRANDED: Reject WOTUS expansion to ensure affordable, reliable housing

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Reject WOTUS expansion to ensure affordable, reliable housing By Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-04) When you hear “waters of the United States,” or WOTUS, it’s likely that your mind immediately shifts to the impacts this regulation has on America’s agriculture industry. As a farmer, it’s on my mind constantly. WOTUS and an overbearing Clean Water Act have the potential to destroy the…

BRANDED: House wildlife recovery bill is not the bipartisan solution Americans deserve

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House wildlife recovery bill is not the bipartisan solution Americans deserve By Rep. Bruce Westerman (AR-04) Last week, the House voted on the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA), a bill that Members on both sides of the aisle should have been able to wholeheartedly support. Unfortunately, while the bill is well-intentioned, House Democrats went about it the wrong…

BRANDED: Severe drought threatens America's farmers & food supply

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Severe drought threatens America's farmers & food supply By Rep. David Valadao (CA-21) I’m proud to represent the farmers that feed the world. With less than one percent of our country’s farmland, the Central Valley supplies a quarter of our Nation’s food. Our well-deserved reputation as America’s breadbasket comes from the help of nature, and a whole lot of hard work and…

BRANDED: Actions Speak Louder Than Words: The Need for Domestic Mining

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Actions Speak Louder Than Words: The Need for Domestic Mining By Reps. Pete Stauber (MN-08) and Debbie Lesko (AZ-08) When it comes to President Biden’s domestic mining policy, it’s important to watch his actions and not just listen to his words. During October 2020, in the throes of the presidential campaign, then-candidate Joe Biden told U.S. miners he supports domestic…

BRANDED: Democrats' Disingenuous Disconnect

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Democrats' Disingenuous Disconnect By Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-04) Last week, Democrats yet again dragged leaders of our nation’s oil and gas companies in front of committee proceedings to pass the blame for high gas prices onto these domestic producers. Meanwhile, President Biden blames Vladimir Putin – using the disingenuous “Putin’s Price Hike” motto – for skyrocketing prices. So, the…

BRANDED: American producers deserve certainty in the permitting process

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American producers deserve certainty in the permitting process By Rep. Markwayne Mullin (OK-02) American energy independence is unobtainable without functioning pipelines. Pipelines are vital infrastructure for transporting crude oil and natural gas across the nation. They are safer than trucks, barges, and rail, all while emitting less greenhouse gas. To ensure we have a strong…

BRANDED: Flipping the switch for more American energy

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Tags: Energy

Flipping the switch for more American energy By Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) Energy is foundational to everything we do. It’s critical for our national security, geopolitical power, and for a better quality of life in America. Today, we’re witnessing the real dangers of undermining our energy independence with a radical rush-to-green agenda that shuts down American oil and…

BRANDED: To modernize infrastructure, start with NEPA reform

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To modernize infrastructure, start with NEPA reform By Rep. David Schweikert (AZ-05 Arizonans have felt the burden of America’s fraying energy infrastructure for decades. As a state located in the desert southwest, the highly variable environment places an emphasis on the need for modernized infrastructure and energy innovation. Heat waves often cause blackouts here at home, and in…

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