Newhouse, Lummis Statements on a Victory for America's Public Lands

Today, Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) and Senate Western Caucus Chair Cynthia Lummis (WY) released the following statements regarding the New York Stock Exchange’s (NYSE) withdrawal of the proposed amendment to the Listed Company Manual to adopt a new listing standard for Natural Asset Companies (NACs). The withdrawal followed a letter from Chairman Newhouse and Chairwoman Lummis to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) urging the agency to reject the NYSE’s proposal.
“Today’s news is a huge victory for rural America and our public lands,” said Chairman Newhouse. “Listing Natural Asset Companies on the NYSE would have given extreme environmentalists and foreign nationals a tool to lock up our public lands from activities like resource development, grazing, recreation and other uses, upending the multiple-use mandate. I am glad to see the NYSE withdraw the proposed listing, following the letter from myself and Senator Lummis this morning urging the SEC to reject this terrible proposal.”
“The New York Stock Exchange’s decision not to list natural asset companies is a huge victory for Wyoming and dismantles the Biden administration’s latest land grab attempt,” said Chair Lummis. “For far too long, this administration has openly empowered radical environmental activists to use the full force of the federal government to jeopardize western industry and threaten the way of life we cherish. The Biden administration’s effort to weaponize NACs to lock up our public lands, hinder rural economies and limit domestic energy production underscores the urgent need to defend our beautiful landscapes from elite green new deal extremists, and I will continue to unapologetically defend our pioneer values from these blatant greenwashing attempts.”
Earlier today, Chairman Newhouse and Senate Western Caucus Chair Cynthia Lummis sent a letter to the SEC urging they reject the proposed listing change from the NYSE.
You can read the withdrawal from the NYSE here.

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