Expanding Free National Park Access for Gold Star Families

Expanding Free National Park Access for Gold Star Families

By Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (OR-05) 

Our nation’s stunning national parks welcome millions of visitors from the United States and around the world every year. From hiking and fishing to sightseeing and wildlife viewing, they present refreshing opportunities to connect with nature. I’m proud to represent Oregon, where we have some of the best national parks in the country – from the trails of Lewis and Clark to the serene water of Crater Lake.
It’s important to remember that the freedoms we enjoy every day, including access to beautiful landscapes across the country, would not be possible without the selfless service of our men and women in the military. Service members constantly put themselves in harm’s way to protect and defend our homeland. 
A small way we can repay them is by granting free access to our national parks. In 2022, Congress included a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that codified free, lifetime access for active-duty service members, veterans, and eligible next-of-kin. However, the definition of “eligible” only included next-of-kin for service members who lost their lives in combat or military operations outside of the U.S.
This meant certain Gold Star family members were left out – an issue brought to my attention by a constituent whose son tragically passed away during a U.S. Marine Corps combat training exercise. Even though his son was actively serving when he lost his life, current law prevented this Gold Star family from freely accessing our national parks – a pastime that this father and his son often enjoyed.
I’m proud to lead the Military Families National Parks Access Enhancement Act, which would right this wrong by ensuring more Gold Star family members can access our national parks at no cost – allowing them to reflect on their loved ones and find moments of peace. It’s a small but meaningful way to honor the sacrifices of the fallen and their families. 
My proposal just received a hearing in the Natural Resources Committee, and I’ll continue working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get this legislation across the finish line to expand national park access for Gold Star families. 

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