OPINION: Biden wants to restrict American energy, we want to grow it

By Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) and Steve Scalise (R-LA)

This piece was originally published in the Tulsa World on April 23, 2021.

President Joe Biden’s approach to energy is wrong for America, and we are here in Oklahoma Friday to help demonstrate why — as well as to share House Republicans’ pro-American energy vision.

Oklahoma has embraced an all-of-the-above energy portfolio, from traditional resources like natural gas and coal to renewables like hydropower, wind and solar. Together, these energy sources power the homes and businesses of Oklahomans, and they contribute to our nation’s overall energy independence.

The Congressional Western Caucus and House Energy Action Team work in Congress to support innovation, economic development and energy policies that benefit communities across the United States. As respective chairmen, we are proud to partner together to highlight Oklahoma’s comprehensive approach to energy generation and innovation at the Western Caucus Foundation’s Spring Energy Roundtable and Field Tour this week.

Nearly 20 members of Congress from our organizations, including energy team cochairman Rep. Markwayne Mullin, R-2nd District; Rep. Kevin Hern, R-1st District; and Rep. Frank Lucas, R-3rd District, are in Tulsa Friday to hear firsthand from energy producers and job creators who are working to strengthen U.S. energy dominance.

Our members will tour the Grand River Energy Center, a coal and natural gas generation facility that has been operating since the early 1980s. The facility is home to an ultra-efficient combined-cycle gas generator, the first of its kind built in the western hemisphere and the most efficient 60 hertz power plant in the world when it came online in 2017.

Grand River Dam Authority will also lead our group on a tour of Pensacola Dam, Oklahoma’s first hydroelectric facility and the longest multiple-arch dam in the world. Hydropower, one of the oldest forms of renewable energy, is a carbon-free baseload energy resource that provides much-needed stability to electric grids across the country.

Despite the United States leading in emissions reductions, President Biden is currently hosting a climate summit to force our nation to adopt global standards the rest of the world is already failing to meet. In contrast, the energy team and Western Caucus members are working to continue promoting economic development and environmental benefits that come along with American energy generation.

Energy workers in Oklahoma — and across the country — are highly-skilled, hardworking men and women who greatly contribute not only to our nation’s energy independence, but also to the local economies of our communities.

While the president may claim that green energy jobs are on the way, they aren’t here now. When he unilaterally cancelled the Keystone XL Pipeline and forced a moratorium on federal oil and gas leases, he directly killed thousands of American jobs without providing any alternatives. Three months after these actions, these employees are still out of work.

It is irresponsible to claim that we can transform our energy economy overnight. Instead, we should work with the American energy industry — which has already dedicated inestimable resources toward improving the environmental impacts of energy generation — to create jobs, invest in our local communities and strengthen our energy security.

House Republicans share the goal of continuing to build upon our country’s leadership in reducing carbon emissions. We must do so in a way that makes sense for American families and workers. Instead of burdening our energy sector with federal regulations that inhibit private investment or tie the hands of industries already working toward clean energy development, we should continue to promote an all-of-the-above energy solution that provides reliable, affordable power for businesses and households throughout the country.

We have no doubt that the United States will continue to lead the world in clean energy innovation, and we are proud to join our fellow members of Congress, energy industry officials and local stakeholders in Oklahoma to highlight how this state is doing just that.

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