America leads the way on clean energy

By Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-04) and Heather Reams

Today marks the start of National Clean Energy Week, and when it comes to clean energy, America continues to lead the way. 

While some may villainize our country for employing an all-of-the-above energy strategy, we know the truth: The United States is leading the world in clean energy technology, clean energy jobs, and carbon emissions reduction. As we strive to once again achieve American energy independence as we did under the last administration, clean energy is an essential part of the equation. 

This week is about celebrating the diverse energy resources we are so fortunate to have access to, from reliable baseload resources like hydroelectricity and innovative nuclear power technologies to solar, wind, and bioenergy sources that supplement energy portfolios in states across the nation. 

Over the next several days, we look forward to highlighting the great work already being done by industries, rural communities, local partners, and government entities throughout the country to secure a clean energy future.

The U.S. proudly invests more in clean energy research and development than any other country in the world. Throughout the nation, scientists and researchers at national labs are working to ensure we remain on the cutting edge of these innovative technologies. Not only does this allow us to continue leading the fight toward lowering global emissions, but it keeps our nation competitive in the global marketplace, benefitting both our energy security and our national economy. 

While Democrats push radical proposals like the Green New Deal, Republicans recognize that to achieve our shared goal of clean energy dominance, we must encourage free markets, public-private partnerships, and competition to advance these technologies. Not only are American companies dedicated to a clean energy future, but they are leading the way on the path toward global emissions reduction in a way that stimulates our economy and ensures domestic energy security. For example, the oil and gas industry has increased its production by 71% since 1990 while simultaneously reducing methane emissions by 23%, thanks in large part to clean energy technologies that have allowed for more efficient and environmentally-conscious means of production. 

Reducing and streamlining federal regulations is key to supporting clean energy technology and infrastructure development. Outdated and burdensome policies like the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), though well-intentioned, hinder the deployment and implementation of innovative and emerging technologies. If we are serious about bolstering our clean energy infrastructure – which we are – regulatory reform must be included in that effort. 

Finally, many clean energy technologies, including solar panels and batteries, require vast amounts of critical minerals, many of which can be mined and manufactured domestically. We must support responsible mining of these hard rock and critical materials right here in the U.S. – where we have some of the most stringent environmental and labor protections in the world – to reduce our reliance on foreign nations to develop our clean energy infrastructure. 

The Congressional Western Caucus and Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions are proud to support reliable, affordable, domestic energy solutions that strengthen both our national economy and our energy independence. We couldn’t do it without the brilliant minds behind our nation’s world-class energy sector or without the local communities and American workers who strive to support local economies and energy security through the development of clean energy technologies.

We look forward to our work together to continue promoting global emissions reduction, domestic energy production, and technological innovation because we know that in a clean energy future, America wins.  


Dan Newhouse represents Washington’s 4th Congressional District and serves as Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus. Heather Reams serves as Executive Director of Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. 

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