Western Caucus Condemns Biden Administration’s Latest Land Grab

  • Desert

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Western Caucus Members released the following statements in response to the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) designation of over one million acres of land outside Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona as a national monument to prevent livestock grazing and uranium mining. This designation continues a pattern of shutting down resource development on public lands, exacerbating supply chain issues, and increasing reliance on foreign nations for important minerals and fuels.

“The Western Caucus adamantly and strongly condemns this latest action by the Biden Administration to please radical environmental groups and make the United States even more dependent on foreign adversaries for our energy needs,” said Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04). “Over one million acres of land outside of Grand Canyon National Park, which contain the largest uranium deposit in the United States, will be locked up to prevent resource development and livestock grazing. As Chairman of the Western Caucus, I will continue to fight for the multiple use mandate and against unelected bureaucrats who are actively shutting down our public lands.”

“Biden is shamelessly politicizing the Grand Canyon to appease the radical left,” said Rep. Eli Crane (AZ-02). “Uranium is critical to national security and this action makes us more reliant on foreign nations.”

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