Western Caucus Members Tour Southern Border, San Xavier Mining Laboratory

Last week, Representative Juan Ciscomani (AZ-06) hosted Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04), nine additional Western Caucus Members and over 40 Congressional staff for a southern border and mining field tour.
“One of the main missions of the Congressional Western Caucus is putting boots on the ground across the West to show Members the unique issues in our districts firsthand,” said Chairman Newhouse. “I would like to thank Rep. Ciscomani for hosting Members of the Western Caucus for a field tour so we could see the impacts of the border crisis to his district up close and learn about the University of Arizona’s robust mining education programs. These visits will better inform our work on behalf of rural America in Washington, D.C.”
“As a member of the Western Caucus, I am proud to fight for rural Arizona every day in Congress,” said Rep. Ciscomani. “Part of that job includes showing my colleagues the individuality of rural Arizona, from the opportunities at the nationally recognized San Xavier Mining Laboratory to the devastating challenges of our border crisis in Cochise County. By leading my colleagues on this type of firsthand experience, we are able to unite behind policy solutions that much easier.”
On Thursday, February 8, members and staff attended a briefing from the Cochise County Sheriff’s Department about how the border crisis has impacted local communities and how the federal government can support their efforts to combat increased criminal activity from cartels. Following the briefing, attendees visited the border in the Coronado National Memorial to receive a briefing from U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials. Members also participated in a House Natural Resources Committee field hearing to examine the environmental effects of the border crisis on America’s public lands.
On Friday, February 9, Caucus members and staff visited the University of Arizona’s San Xavier Mining Laboratory where they heard from students, university officials, and mining stakeholders about workforce challenges facing the mining industry and how the school is training America’s future miners.
Attending the trip along with Chairman Newhouse and Rep. Ciscomani were Western Caucus Executive Vice Chair Doug LaMalfa (CA-01), Western Caucus Vice Chairs Michelle Fischbach (MN-07), Pete Stauber (MN-08), and Bruce Westerman (AR-04), and Western Caucus members Buddy Carter (GA-01), John Curtis (UT-03), Harriet Hageman (WY-AL), Kevin Hern (OK-01), and James Moylan (Guam-AL). House Natural Resources Committee Member Mike Collins (GA-10) also attended.

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