BRANDED: Growing America’s Future After Fifty Years of ESA

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Flood - ESA

Growing America’s Future After Fifty Years of ESA By Congressman Mike Flood (NE-01) December of this year will mark the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). For most Americans, this anniversary may come and go unnoticed. Some may see a social media post in passing and others may come across a snippet of a cable news special highlighting stories of wildlife that have…

BRANDED: The Biden War on American Energy – The Process is the Punishment

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Hageman - Permitting Month

The Biden War on American Energy – The Process is the Punishment By Congresswoman Harriet Hageman (WY-AL) Joe Biden and his administration are waging a large-scale and aggressive assault on American Energy.  Our federal government has gone to war on extraction, development, transport, and use of anything related to fossil fuels – and it’s a war being fought on multiple fronts.…

BRANDED: Permitting Reform Makes the World a Safer Place

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Hern - Permitting Month

Permitting Reform Makes the World a Safer Place By Congressman Kevin Hern (OK-01) Everyone’s talking about energy these days. Whether it’s the still-high price of gas or the many different alternative fuel sources celebrities are hawking – energy is on everyone’s minds. What it costs, how to access it, and what’s the newest thing. Energy is as much a part of Oklahoma history as the…

BRANDED: The Importance of Developing a Reliable Energy Highway

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Duncan - Permitting Month

The Importance of Developing a Reliable Energy Highway By Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-03) To achieve American energy dominance, we must create a safe and reliable energy highway for domestic natural gas to strengthen our energy future.    America’s interstate natural gas infrastructure is a key driver of job creation, growth, and global competitiveness. We must…

BRANDED: Will Gas Stoves be a Casualty of Biden’s War on American Energy?

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Will Gas Stoves be a Casualty of Biden’s War on American Energy? By Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) “We need to be talking about regulating gas stoves, whether that’s drastically improving emissions or banning gas stoves entirely. And I think we ought to keep that possibility of a ban in mind because it’s a powerful tool in our tool belt, and it’s a real possibility here.” A speech by…

BRANDED: The Voice for Rural America is Louder Than Ever

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118th Branded Voice for Rural America

The Voice for Rural America is Louder Than Ever By Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) Over the last two years, Americans have watched as the Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress recklessly spent trillions of dollars and led our country into a recession, punished the agriculture industry with unclear and ever-changing federal regulations, and tied the hands of our energy producers…

BRANDED: Our commitment to affordable, clean American energy

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BRANDED: Our commitment to affordable, clean American energy By Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) “Conservation is a great moral issue, for it involves the patriotic duty of ensuring the safety and continuance of the nation.” President Theodore Roosevelt uttered these famous words during a speech titled Conservation as a National Duty in 1908. He was well ahead of his time, and…

BRANDED: We must work together to attack emissions, not energy sources

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BRANDED: We must work together to attack emissions, not energy sources By Rep. John Curtis (UT-03) When I started down my journey to be a better environmental steward, I became frustrated with the extremists on both sides.   My friends on the far left are generally unhappy with me because of my insistence that we need fossil fuels for many years, if not forever, in…

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