What They Are Saying: The Western Conservation Principles

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – On October 5, Congressional Western Caucus and Senate Western Caucus Members unveiled a blueprint for effective, science-based conservation titled, "Western Conservation Principles." In contrast to the Biden Administration's top-down preservationist approach, also known as the "30 by 30 initiative," the Principles embrace the policies, tools, and values recognized…

Western Caucus Members Unveil Blueprint for Conservation

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressional Western Caucus and Senate Western Caucus Members revealed a holistic, outcome-based conservation proposal titled, “Western Conservation Principles.” The proposal, which serves as an alternative to the Biden Administration’s "30 by 30 initiative" and America the Beautiful report, is a blueprint for responsible, effective conservation…

OPINION: President Biden: Act now to prevent catastrophic wildfires

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This piece was originally published in the Idaho Statesman. Mr. President, on the heels of your tour of the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise this week, we want to remind you of the impacts our communities have faced as a result of poor forest management. According to the Idaho Department of Lands, nearly 116,000 acres of land managed by the state burned this year,…

OPINION: BLM nominee would be bad for Nevada

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This piece was originally published in the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Nevada’s senators will soon face a critical vote on the confirmation of Tracy Stone-Manning as director of the Bureau of Land Management. Many may be asking: Who is Tracy Stone-Manning, and why should I care? The BLM has an enormous footprint in the West — and particularly in Nevada, where 67 percent of…

OPINION: Tree spiking? Population control? Tracy Stone-Manning is too extreme to lead BLM

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This piece was originally published by AZ Central. Arizonans and rural communities across the West deserve a serious leader at the helm of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM): someone who understands the importance of a multiple-use approach to managing our public lands and responsibly utilizing our natural resources. Unfortunately, President Biden’s nominee, Tracy Stone-Manning,…

What They Are Saying: Tree Spiking Mitigation Act Protects Rural Workers from Radical Eco-Terrorists

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – On July 29, Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) introduced the Tree Spiking Mitigation Act (TSM Act) to reduce the dangers posed by eco-terrorists to firefighters, loggers, and sawmill workers in rural America.   The TSM Act was introduced with the support of Western Caucus Members and others who represent rural…

Newhouse Introduces Legislation to Protect Rural Workers from Dangerous Tree Spiking

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) introduced the Tree Spiking Mitigation Act (TSM Act) to reduce the dangers posed by eco-terrorists to firefighters, loggers, and sawmill workers in rural America.   “Tree spiking is a heinous act of eco-terrorism that threatens rural communities,” said Chairman…

Westerman, Western Caucus Members Introduce Legislation to Improve Land Management, Prevent Wildfires

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WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congressional Western Caucus Vice Chair and Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee Bruce Westerman (AR-04) introduced the Resilient Federal Forests Act with the support of Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) and Western Caucus Members from rural communities across the country. This comprehensive land management legislation aims to…

OPINION: Tracy Stone-Manning is dangerous for Washington and for rural America

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This piece was originally published in the Spokesman-Review. Tracy Stone-Manning is an unacceptable nominee to serve as Director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). More information about her past comes to light every day, each new piece more damning than the last. I have called on President Biden to rescind her nomination immediately, and now our senators must take a stand…

Newhouse: Massive Land Grab Legislation Will Devastate Rural Communities in the West

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Chairman Dan Newhouse (R-WA) spoke on the House floor to urge a no vote on H.R. 803, a partisan package of eight wilderness bills affecting lands and waters in Colorado, Arizona, California, and Washington. The package creates 1.5 million acres of new wilderness, which is the most restrictive federal land use classification. It permanently withdraws 1.2…

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