Western Caucus Members Participate in Field Hearing on Mineral Potential in Northern Minnesota

  • Twin Metals

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier this week, the House Committee on Natural Resources hosted a field hearing in Mountain Iron, Minnesota, to examine the vast mineral potential of Northern Minnesota, including the local and national benefits of mining in the region. Congressional Western Caucus Vice Chairs Pete Stauber (MN-08) and Tom Tiffany (WI-07) and Western Caucus Members Jack Bergman (MI-01) and Larry Bucshon (IN-08) participated.

“We are proud of our mining heritage and culture on the Iron Range. Our vast mineral wealth is one of America's assets while providing an unparalleled local economic engine. We work, live, and play here and we have massive amounts of minerals, and we will continue to mine for generations to come,” said Vice Chair Pete Stauber (MN-08). “Sadly, we are not currently mining any of these precious metals due to onerous permitting regimes, bad decisions made by activist administrations, and, of course, endless litigation.”

“This is all about three things in the big picture, job security, economic security, and national security, that's what's at stake here for America,” said Vice Chair Tom Tiffany (WI-07). “There used to be a mine that operated in my district, the Montreal Mine right near Hurley, Wisconsin it closed in the mid-1960's, then candidate John F. Kennedy went there in 1960 and he went deep down in that mine, thousands of feet down in his wing-tipped loafers and he told those miners 'you are every bit as important in us winning World War Two as the people that were there at the front,' that's how important this is that we be able to produce these minerals here in America, it is a necessity that we're able to do it.”

“We are all God's people, and guess who put all the minerals here? It wasn't happenstance, it's part of God's plan. But, there are entities, and they pretty much break down to governmental entities, who are energized by a few probably nice but clueless individuals who don't understand what it means to enjoy the environment,” said Rep. Jack Bergman (MI-01). What we can do better at the federal side is cut down the bureaucracies and get the federal government out of your pocket and off of your backs, and out of the way."

“I serve on the Energy and Commerce Committee, Energy Subcommittee and so this issue is critically important to energy, our energy future in this country,” said Rep. Larry Bucshon (IN-08). “I've experienced this in the coal mining industry, compared to the way it was when my great grandfather was a coal miner back in the 1930's compared to today, and where we are technology wise and also, again as both of you pointed out, everybody in the [mining] industry lives on the Earth, and they want to protect the environment.”

These Congressional Western Caucus Members heard from the following witnesses during the field hearing:

  • Ms. Jessica Johnson, Community Outreach and Government Relations Manager, Talon Metals Corp
  • Dr. Dean Peterson, Chief Geologist, Big Rock Exploration
  • Mr. Joe Baltich, Owner, Northwind Lodge

“Currently, the United States has one operating high-grade nickel mine and due to our current supply chain, 100% of that nickel is exported for processing and refining,” said Jessica Johnson. “As a resident of Aitkin County, I have seen the benefits that have been brought to our community from mineral exploration activities.”

“My few allotted minutes here for this testimony are not enough time to adequately describe the value and future potential of the mineral resources present in Northern Minnesota,” said Dr. Dean Peterson, Chief Geologist for Big Rock Exploration. “The state of Minnesota is uniquely capable of fulfilling much of the country's needs for critical and strategic minerals far into the future.”

“Despite alleged dust in water from mining, our water is still clean, the air is fantastic, and our fishing is still awesome, we have abundant wildlife, this despite all the claims against the mining industry which has operated for far longer than the Boundary Waters has existed,” said Joe Baltich. “With the massive tax dollars that would benefit all Minnesotans, the gains to the mineral trust fund for schools, and the strong market demand, copper-nickel mining is the way of our current and distant future.”

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